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Advances in Protein Design:

From Therapeutic Proteins to Synthetic Biology


Research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation

Oct 23-27 2022

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We are pleased to invite you to participate in an engaging workshop “Advances in Protein Design: From Therapeutic Proteins to Synthetic Biology”. This meeting will bring together leading experts in protein design to discuss synergistic combinations of computational methodology and experimental directed evolution, and their applications in synthetic biology, materials science, bioelectronics, biotechnology, food technology, vaccine development, and drug design. Please join us for a four days event in the scenic Hula Valley in northern Israel. We’d be happy to accept your contribution for poster presentation. Oral presentations will be selected from abstracts. Please submit your abstract here.


We are looking forward to meeting you 


The Organizers,

Julia Shifman – Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Dror Noy – Migal Galilee Research Institute, Israel

The topics to be covered are: 

  • Deep learning approaches and other new methods in computational design

  • Applications of deep mutational scanning

  • Proteins with unnatural amino acids

  • The design of protein-cofactor complexes

  • Protein therapeutics

  • Design and engineering of enzymes with novel functions 

  • Membrane protein design

  • Building blocks for synthetic biology

Important Dates

A shuttle to the conference venue will be available. Departure from Ben Grunion International Airport on 5:00 PM Sunday, Oct 23.

Click here to sign up.

22 September 2022

Abstract submission deadline

10 September 2022

Notification of selected oral presentation

15 September 2022

Last minute abstract deadline

(posters only)

30 September 2022

Notification of acceptance

2 October 2022

Registration Opens

23 May 2022

Registration Ends

7 October 2022

Contact us:


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